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Tournament Rewards Scheme

Accelerate Tennis awards Singles winner of the mentioned tournaments with Cash & Credit rewards where the listed amount is paid in 50% cash prize & 50% Credit allocated to their renewal fee at the academy. A player’s enrolment must be active at the academy during his/her participation in the tournament to avail these rewards


Championship Series (7 days)        Rs.10,000/-

Super Series                                        Rs. 20,000/-

National Series                                   Rs. 35,000/-

Nationals                                             Rs. 70,000/-

1 Lac Men’s/Women’s                       Rs. 35,000/-

ITF Junior                                            Rs. 50000/-


*T&C Apply

Tournament Policy

1: The 66% rule (2:1 win loss ratio).

In order to determine which tournament category a player should play, and keeping in mind player mental health (motivation, confidence) a 66%-win rate should be targeted. Once regularly achieved a player is ready to progress to a higher tournament category/age group. In order to be accurate in our match recordings it is requested that players/parents send through tournament match results to Todd. These results must have the opponent’s name, score and tournament round. The 66% rule is reviewed on a quarterly monthly basis and will be used to determine upcoming tournament schedules.


2: Tournament Frequency.

Developing a high-performance athlete requires a balance of skill development and competitive development. As such we have adopted the following guidelines for our players regarding the number of tournaments a player should participate in over a 12-month period. This is based on the assumption that the 66% rule is followed, therefore ensuring the player is getting the required number of matches over a year.

Under 12 players              12 tournaments per year.

Under 14 players              14 tournaments per year.

Under 16 players              16 tournaments per year.

Under 18 players              18 tournaments per year.

Mens/Womens players  20 – 24 tournaments per year.


3: Tournament level

Players should participate in their correct age group. This will ensure appropriate competition level and a positive competitive experience. If a player is ranked in the Top 100 in their age group only then can they participate in the age group above. If special circumstances where to present itself, a case-by-case decision can be taken collectively by Todd/parents.


4: Planning

A tournament calendar will be produced every 2 months. With the current Covid situation, planning is challenging and AITA will continue to add/remove tournaments based on the Covid situation in India. Player tournament schedule will be reviewed every two months with appropriate changes occurring (a player may be injured; a player may perform exceedingly well etc). Players are encouraged to follow the tournament schedule as per academy coach’s advice however if a player is unable to play the allotted tournament and wish to play a different event to compensate, please contact Todd at


5: Travelling Coach

Accelerate Tennis will provide a travelling coach for selected domestic events. All AITA National tournaments will have a travelling coach. Accelerate Tennis will send coaches to 20 plus tournaments throughout India annually. The expenses for the travelling coach will be borne by the academy. Should any client wish to travel with a travelling coach internationally, please email for pricing.

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