Coach: Todd Clark
AITA Rank: Under 16 - Rank 13th | Under 18 - Rank 33rd

Date of Joining: September 2021
Gender: Female
Age: 14 years
Date of Birth: 6 May 2007
City: Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh
Notable Athletic Achievements
Won 2021 Fenesta Nationals Under 14 and made it to the pre-quarters of under 18 Nationals by defeating India's 26-seeded opponents.
Quarterfinalist of SS - Under 18 held at Accelerate Tennis Academy.
Semi-finalist of Asians Ahmedabad 2019.
Winner of Road to PTL
Winner of CS7 U18 held at The Tennis Project.
Winner of CS7 U18 held at Accelerate Tennis.
Winner of SS U18 held at Sonipat.
Consecutive two-week winner of both singles and doubles in the Jhajjar U16 National Series.
Profile Bio
Mahika began playing tennis at the age of seven and developed a strong interest in the sport. With the continued motivation and support of her parents, she began competing in national-level tournaments at the age of 12.
She scored an 89% on her Class 9 exams, participated in regular tennis tournaments, and coached. “I’ve been playing tennis to inspire women and young people to believe that nothing is impossible.”, she says.
We are a result and performance-oriented academy with a proven coaching methodology