Coach: Todd Clark
AITA Rank: Under 16 Men's - Rank 35th
Date of Joining: April 2021
Gender: Male
Age: 15 years
Date of Birth: 1st March 2007
City: Haridwar, Uttarakhand
Notable Athletic Achievements
U-16 Singles Winner at the National Series, Jalandhar 2022
U-16 Singles runner-up at the Super Series, Jhajjar 2022
U-18 Singles Winner at the Championship Series, Sonipat 2021
U-16 Doubles runners-up at the National Series 2022.
U-14 Doubles Winner at the National Series 2021
U-14 Singles and Doubles Semi-Finalist at Asian 2021
Profile Bio
At the age of eight, Arnav began playing tennis and quickly became passionate about it. He began participating in national-level tournaments at the age of 12 with his parents continued motivation and support. With Accelerate, players get a platform to develop and polish their skills and showcase their talent.